• +91 9442544823, 9361315466, 9442501080
  • jivanmontessorischoolkkdi@gmail.com

Our Programms

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Our Programms Level


The Toddler Montessori Program - Age Group 1.5 to 2.5 years

Our Montessori based Toddler curriculum supports the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of each child. Toddlers strengthen speech and language development and both fine and gross motor skills as they explore self, family and the world in which they live.

The toddlers learn concentration, coordination, language skills, responsibility and respect—all of which prepare them well for a successful transition into the Primary Montessori environment.

Our aim is not merely to make the child understand…but to so touch (the child’s) imagination as to create enthusiasm to (the) inmost core.

- Dr. Maria Mantessori

The Primary Levels 1 To 3 Montessori Program - Age Group 2.5 to 6 years

Our Montessori classrooms is for children from two-and-a-half to six years of age. A typical classroom serves 40 children in mixed-age groups, staffed by two trained teachers and an assistant. Classrooms are usually outfitted with child-sized classroom materials on child-height shelves throughout the room. Activities are for the most part initially presented by the teacher, after which they may be chosen by the children as interest dictates. Classroom materials usually include activities for engaging in practical skills, materials for the development of the senses, math materials, language materials, music and art materials.

There is nothing in the intellect which was not in the senses. The child has his own laws of development; it is a question of following these, not of imposing ourselves upon him.

- Dr. Maria Mantessori

Our Classrooms

Our Montessori classrooms are peaceful, happy places, designed to meet the developmental needs of each child in every stage of life.

Our preschool materials become progressively abstract in nature. For example, children move from using beads to using just number symbols or in combination with concrete materials, when doing operations. The great variety of Montessori Math materials allow the children to understand in depth, the Math concepts.

  • Blog Details Respect
  • Blog Details Hands-on Learning
  • Blog Details Discovery
  • Blog Details Imagination
  • Blog Details Freedom of choice
  • Blog Details Independence