• +91 9442544823, 9361315466, 9442501080
  • jivanmontessorischoolkkdi@gmail.com

Our Curriculum

Our Pedagogy

Jivan Montessori Scools follows a unique curriculum which is designed for each child’s interest and needs. It has been developed by a team of expert researchers and educators in the field of early childhood and primary education.

This is how we derive the “Pedagogy of Listening?"


Enhance gross & Fine motor skills Indirectly build on Language, Communication & Math skills Bring about concentration Acquire observation skills Learn to respect living & non-living Learn to care for self Learn to care for the environment

Practical Life

Help absorb the properties and characteristics of the surrounding environment, objects, and things. Interact with sensorial materials using the five senses. Indirect preparation for Math and Language. Indirectly enhance gross and and fine motor skills.


Enhance number sense. Provide hands-on experience with numbers moving from concrete to abstract, using golden beads and number cards. Understand the base ten system. Understand concept of number bonds. Understand the operations – addition, multiplication & Subtraction.

Arts & Creativity

Enhance gross & Fine motor skills Indirectly build on Language, Communication & Math skills Bring about concentration Acquire observation skills Learn to respect living & non-living Learn to care for self Learn to care for the environment

Our Methodology

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